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Recursos recomendados
Recursos de la Iglesia de Cristo
Frente al río
Entrenamiento Espiritual
Jeannie Shaw
En movimiento
Servicios de asesoramiento
Abrazar el sábado
Formación Espiritual
Aguas de descanso
Entrenamiento sabático
joel pis
Matrimonio Intensivo
retiros matrimoniales
Dra. Jennifer Konzen
Bendito entrenador
Entrenamiento de Eneagrama
Barri Lusk
Aguas de descanso
Entrenamiento sabático
joel pis
Eremos Ministry
50 Spiritual Prompts & Practices
While some theologians name as many as 75 spiritual disciplines, we have chosen to focus on 50 that can be practiced while alone on a spiritual retreat. Some of the practices may be new to you and even seem strange, but we encourage you to not shy away from experimenting with different practices that can add new dimensions, depth, and joy to your relationship with God.
Public Audio/Video
Lecture & Presentation Series
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